Why Maggie?

Female brunette with towel on head after shower shaving face with foam and blade looking away.

Hi, Im Sally! 8 years ago I became a sports massage therapist, since then I have been passionate about helping people feel amazing and understand their bodies.

I later gained qualifications in personal training and specialise in female training. Specifically weight training, de-stressing and optimising women’s wellbeing. It is my mission to make women feel confident, strong, health and happy in a sustainable easy way.

Ever since learning about magnesium I have been hooked. I take it orally, rub cream onto my feet, but my favourite is to soak in it. I have been selling magnesium to my friends, family and clients for a while now but never had my own to share.

I have finally taken the leap to my own product and hope to change many lives with this magical product. It is thought that up to 75% of us are deficient in magnesium and it is needed in every cell in our bodies.

It is relaxing, restoring and aids deep sleep, and helps to regulate a lot of our bodies systems.

I hope you enjoy your magnesium soaks and self care. Thank you for taking the time to support my small business.

Lots of love



Magic Maggie VS Epsom


Benefits of a Maggie bath